澳豐證券(Ayers Alliance Securities (HK) Limited)

有利益 > 港股開戶 > 人開戶
  • 新客開戶: 特色服務:中文服務,閑置資金理财,官網在線開戶 交易產品:港股 軟件APP:(官网下载更安全) 客服電話:+852 2593 6555 聯繫地址:Units 3403, 34/F, Tower 2, Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong.



澳豐證券 全稱  澳豐證券香港有限公司,是香港證監會認可的持牌法團,香港交易所參與者。

Ayers Alliance, named after the local landmark Ayers Rock. Just as encompassing and majestic as the monolith, the visionary Ayers Alliance stands out in the vast investment horizons and is committed to achieve the greatest success with its valued clients.

Well connected with international financial institutions, our global network of experienced, motivated, devoted, professional and proactive experts are dedicated to offer wealth and profit-orientated individuals and corporations a full range of prestigious financial services. Our affluent clients such as individuals, families and businesses will be readily equipped with a wide spectrum of exceptional and customised wealth management solutions and investment products and services to achieve their unique financial goals and aspirations.




客戶准備開戶所需證件 → 填寫開戶資料 → 風險測評 → 簽署開戶相關協議 → 櫃台人員開立賬戶 → 設置密碼 → 辦理第三方存管 → 完成回訪 → 結束


客戶准備本人二代身份證、銀行卡 → 登錄開戶系統 → 驗證手機號碼 → 選擇擬開戶營業部 → 采集證件照片及頭部正面照 → 錄制單向音視頻 → 填寫開戶信息 → 風險測評 → 選擇證券市場 → 選擇第三方存管銀行 → 簽署相關協議 → 設置密碼 → 客戶回訪 → 開戶完成


客戶准備開戶所需證件 → 配合證券公司工作人員采集正面照、證件照片等 → 簽署開戶相關協議 → 選擇營業網點 → 選擇證券市場 → 設置密碼 → 風險測評 → 辦理第三方存管 → 完成回訪 → 結束
